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AOP Honors Convocation

AOP Honors Convocation

Yesterday evening the Archdiocese of Philadelphia recognized the achievements of 125 distinguished scholars from 30 Archdiocesan and private Catholic secondary schools throughout the five-county region at the 44th Annual Academic Honors Convocation held at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Philadelphia. 

Congratulations to the Shanahan honorees from the Class of 2024: Caroline Aaronson, Camryn Foster, Suzanne Gatti, Colm Grant, Viola Kapaj, Deaglan O'Hara, and James Pawlowski!

The students, all of whom are ranked in the top 3% of their senior class, were honored for their academic achievement and dedication to their studies. These students are included in the elite group according to their cumulative ranking at the end of the first semester of their senior year. 

(Left to right: Dr. Robert Moran, Principal; Deaglan O'Hara; Camryn Foster; Suzanne Gatti; Colm Grant; and Viola Kapaj. Not pictured: Caroline Aaronson and James Pawlowski)

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