Harassment in any form is unacceptable conduct and will not be tolerated. Any student who engages in any inappropriate, aggressive physical contact toward any employee or volunteer of Bishop Shanahan High School will be dismissed. Any pervasive, unwelcome action, physical, verbal or written, which has the effect of disrupting the normal and appropriate activities of a teacher, student, staff member, or anyone within the school community at any time during or after school hours is prohibited by this policy. Harassment because of a person’s sex, race, religion, age, national origin or disability is particularly egregious. Accusations of such harassment will be thoroughly investigated and appropriate sanctions will be imposed on individuals found to have violated this policy. Sexual harassment can result from unwanted sexual attention, sexual advances and comments, or requests for sexual favors. Examples include:
Threatening adverse action if sexual favors are not granted
Promising preferential treatment in exchange for sexual favors
Unwanted physical contact
A pattern of offensive remarks such as unwelcome comments about appearance or clothing, obscene jokes, sexually explicit or offensive language
Display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures
Unwelcome notes, e-mails, text messages, and other communications which are sexually suggestive.
A student who feels he/she has been subjected to harassment should bring the matter personally to the immediate attention of the Assistant Principal for Student Services. If the student is uncomfortable for any reason discussing the matter with the Assistant Principal for Student Services, the student should report it to the Principal or to the guidance department. All allegations of harassment will be investigated promptly and in a confidential manner following the procedures of the Office of Catholic Education. When warranted, appropriate action will be taken up to and including dismissal. Retaliation in any form against anyone for making a complaint under this policy or for participating in an investigation is strictly prohibited. Any retaliation should also be reported pursuant to this policy and is itself a cause for disciplinary action and possible dismissal.