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Student Services Office

Shanahan Eagle Mascot working on laptop

The Student Services Office assists in the daily operation of the BSHS code of behavior, guidance, counseling, health services, counseling services with government or private agencies, and student transportation.

Uniform Requirements

Uniforms may be purchased online at FlynnO'Hara's website or in person at the FlynnO'Hara store located at 404 W. Lincoln Highway, Exton, PA 19340. The website and the store employees have our uniform requirements. 

You can also view the BSHS uniform requirements now at:

The complete school dress code can also be found on pages 29-30 of the school handbook. Click here to view FlynnO'Hara's flyers with more information.

Mr. Brett Weinhardt '06
Assistant Principal for Student Services
Phone Numbers: 610-518-1300 ext. 6249

Mrs. Carnation Karros
Titles: Attendance Officer
Phone Numbers: 610-518-1300 ext. 6205